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Students' Projects

                                              From Pygmalion to My Fair Lady (Irina Boiko,2004)
Pygmalion. When I hear this word, I imagine above all the Alexandrinsky Theatre and Bernard Shaw's superb play "Pygmalion". However, this word roots deep in the ancient times. This play was based on the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea.
                       Unknown StPetersburg . A Tour-Guide . (Julie Rumiantceva, 2005)
The idea of this work appeared when I was looking through different magazines dedicated to tercentery of StPetersburg. Have you ever thought about places that tourists visit in our city? Of course , they go to the Hermitage or to the Russian Museum, they admire the Bronze Horseman and the Admiralty. To my mind, the real spirit of StPetersburg is hidden not in general museums, but in narrow streets, in small cosy cafes and communicating courtyards.
                          British Painting in the Hermitage (A.Louchinina, 2004)
The Hermitage's comparatively small collection of British art is dominated by portraiture and landscape.One of the most outstanding painters of the 18th century was Thomas Gainsborough, a painter of lyrical landscapes and a distinguished portrait painter.